Content Marketing in Healthcare: Reaching an 80-Year-Old Patient Population

This past week I had the opportunity to attend the Integrated Marketing Forum focused on using content to fuel marketing and drive business. Two things caught my attention and motivated me to attend; the amazing list of speakers and a talk focused on healthcare content marketing. I have to admit I don’t often see a healthcare company presenting at a marketing conference and was interested to see what I could learn and share with the larger healthcare marketing community.

Tricia Todd from Edwards Lifesciences presented Marketing a Medical Breakthrough: Finding a Way in a Restricted Environment. With the introduction of transcatheter heart valves Edwards Lifesciences faced a challenge. They needed to create a communication and education plan that resonated with an 80-year-old patient population and a complex group of healthcare professionals, while working within the FDA guidelines. With time and careful planning they were able to accomplish both goals.

10 Things I Learned from the Edwards Lifesciences Journey 

  1. Go for substance not sizzle
    • Be the subject matter expert, meet the patient’s educational needs during their time of crisis
  2. Know the persona of your patient population
    • This isn’t simply demographic data, truly define who they are so you understand their needs and how best to engage them
  3. Speak their language
    • This is critical in driving patient awareness and understanding of a new treatment option
    • Understanding the persona of your patient population makes speaking their language so much easier, see #2
  4. Define all of the customers involved so messaging can be targeted
    • Patients, family, caregivers
    • Referring physicians
    • Implanting physicians
  5. Use the appropriate language for each customer group
    • The B2C (patient) and the B2B (healthcare professionals) messaging must be adjusted to fit the customer, see #4
  6. Talk directly to the patients
    • Include videos of real patients sharing their experiences
  7. Tailor the content and media to the audience
    • For the patients, use a format that is easier to understand, low density, more visuals, no hyperlinks, easy scrolling
    • Edwards went with a simple website seniors could easily navigate
  8. Identify and address significant patient issues such as how to find a local physician that offered this new procedure
    • Edwards included a hospital and medical staff locator in the website, utilizing zip codes to find nearby facilities
  9. Provided appropriate support tools
    • ‘What to Expect’ section describing the treatment process
    • Discussion guide patients could take with them to doctor visits
  10. Measure success of the overall website, the different sections and tools
    • Refine and change as learnings grow

The end result, is an excellent example of content marketing in the healthcare setting. Kudos to Edwards Lifesciences for pushing the boundaries and delivering best in class content.

Predicting the flu is not an exact science

Direct from the Pharmacist Crowd: What level of severity do you predict for the 2013 – 2014 flu season?

Why can’t public health officials predict the severity of the upcoming flu season?  Because it’s impossible to predict how the flu virus will behave. How should you manage this unpredictability? The CDC, and you local pharmacist, suggest you get a flu shot. Looking for additional insight, InCrowd asked retail pharmacists from across the US a series of questions regarding the 2013-2014 flu season.

Question #1: Why don’t people get flu shots?

Question #2: What do you see as the major benefits to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Question #3: What do you see as the major drawback to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Question #4: What level of severity do you predict for the 2013 – 2014 flu season?

An increase in the number of people getting flu shots leads majority of surveyed pharmacists to predict an average flu season. 

  • Mild 17/150, 11.3%
  • Average 114/150, 76%
  • Worse than average 17/150, 11.3%
  • Severe 2/150, 1.3%

Bonus Question: During what month does your pharmacy administer the highest number of flu vaccines?

October, 106/150, 70.6%

That wraps our series of flu questions with local retail pharmacists. Interested in getting market feedback from pharmacists? Drop us a line, we have Crowds of US and international based pharmacists working in both the retail and hospital setting. These pharmacists are pre-screened and have opted-in to answer questions in real time.

Retail pharmacists see few drawbacks to providing flu shots at your local pharmacy

Direct from the Pharmacist Crowd: What do you see as the major drawbacks to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Last year, about 20% of adults received their flu shots at a retail pharmacy. This number is up from the previous year and expected to grow again this year. With this growth rate in mind, InCrowd asked 150 retail pharmacists a series of questions regarding the 2013-2014 flu season.

Question #1: Why don’t people get flu shots?

Question #2: What do you see as the major benefits to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Question #3: What do you see as the major drawback to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Nearly half of the pharmacists surveyed (44%) see no drawbacks to providing flu shots at local retail pharmacies.

Other drawbacks identified include:

  • Less privacy, less professional setting 31/150, 20.6%
  • Managing and preventing adverse events 29/150, 19.3%
  • Disruption in continuity of care with PCP 14/150, 9.3%

Next question Direct from the Pharmacist Crowd: What level of severity do you predict for the 2013 – 2014 flu season? 

Interested in conducting market research with pharmacists? Drop us a line, we have Crowds of US and international based pharmacists working in both the retail and hospital setting. These pharmacists are pre-screened and have opted-in to answer questions in real time.